all the small things
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sase decembrie cadouri mici
Premiul Sex Fictional Nasol l-a primit anul acesta Norman Mailer pentru cartea sa Castelul din padure. Fragmentul incriminat este acesta: Then she was on him. She did not know if this would resuscitate him or end him, but the same spite, sharp as a needle, that had come to her after Fanni's death was in her again. Fanni had told her once what to do. So Klara turned head to foot, and put her most unmentionable part down on his hard-breathing nose and mouth, and took his old battering ram into her lips. Uncle was now as soft as a coil of excrement. She sucked on him nonetheless... The Hound began to come to life. Right in her mouth. It surprised her. Alois had been so limp. But now he was a man again! His mouth lathered with her sap, he turned around and embraced her face with all the passion of his own lips and face, ready at last to grind into her with the Hound, drive it into her piety. (chiar aici) Postmortem.

The Concretes
sunt niste favoriti personali ai iernii mele. Videoclipul asta alb-negru mi se pare taman potrivit intr-un oras alb si zgribulit. Potrivit si cu nerabdarea de inceput de iarna, de dinainte de sarbatori si cu episoade din Ally McBeal si cu pricomigdale facute de bunici. Iar fetele desenate care apar sunt frumusele si se plimba numai pe tocuri. Inca ceva ce-mi place, un alt videoclip alb pentru zile negre Daedelus - Fair Weather Friends.

Si un test care s-ateste cam ce fel de printese sunteti. Rastalmacit si ciufulit de Serban Foarta. Caci (spus repede si pe sapte voci): Toate fetele-s prinţese/ între şase şi "şpe" ani,/ dacă nu li se-ntreţese/ viaţa cu-a unor golani. Alte cateva secrete mai puteti citi aici dar totul in exclusivitate despre Zulu Zazu care adora rochiile cu fru-fru si despre Esperlu&te care citeste fie ce-o fi: literatura, filosofie, snoave, romane pline de brasoave si despre printesa Matüvü cu parul rosu sau albastru si cele mai fistichii costume si despre Incompleta, Doremi si Tzaca Tzaca in albumul de desfrau si desfatare Printese date uitarii sau necunoscute de Phillipe Lechermeier si Rebecca Dautremer.

In liceu am tot recitit un fragment din Frumoasa istorie a ursilor panda povestita de stiti-voi-cine, fragmentul acela cu a-ul spus in tot felul de feluri de a spune a ca si cand ai spune ca ma iubesti. Aul e un sunet misterios si dat naibii. Iar pentru Saussure sunetul a al limbii franceze este tocmai asa: off-white, approaching yellow; in its consistency, it is something solid, but thin, that cracks easily if struck, for example a sheet of paper (yellowed with age) drawn tight in a frame, a flimsy door (in unvarnished wood left white) that you feel would shatter at the slightest blow, an already broken eggshell that you can keep cracking by pressing on it with your fingers. Better still: the shell of a raw egg is a (whether in colour or in the consistency of the object), but the shell of a hard-boiled egg is not a, because of the feeling you have that the object is compact and resistant. A yellowed pane of glass is a; a pane of ordinary colour, offering blueish reflections, is the very opposite of a, because of its colour, and despite its consistency being just right. [un articol din The Times]

Niste stiletto ascutiti ca niste arme si teribil de senzuali. Christian Leboutin & David Lynch au pus de-o expozitie la galeria Design Art London.

Louboutin: ‘I tried to keep an element of my drawings, to be faithful to the drawings, with no practicality, just pleasure, thinking of extreme fetish shoes. Usually when you go to the third dimension you lose something. Then I wanted to photograph them - I find there’s more emotion with cinematic images. I wanted Lynch’s style and since we’d recently become friends it was natural for me to ask him.’ (via wallpaper)

Si pe final despre fluturi cercetati etimologic. Un intreg mister legat de papilloni, mariposa si farfalla. Si mai ales ce cauta untul in toata povestea asta? Raspunsuri nostime chiar intr-un blog al Oxford University Press.


posted by Diana Adela Martin @ 10:37 AM  
  • At 11:56 PM, Blogger Diana @ So Fash'on said…

    sunt tari fotografiile alea!

  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    daca e vorba de lynch sunt si eu interesat / ps nice blog :)

  • At 5:33 PM, Blogger Audrey said…

    merci pt cadouri ;))
    is o printesa trefla!:D u care esti?

  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger Diana Adela Martin said…

    da :) lynch are o imaginatie fabuloasa

    thanks radu

    natty :) de inima rosie. inima-i mi-i as de cup, decupat dintr-un album vechi (

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