Fiul se baga in pat alaturi de tatal sau. Isi lipeste pieptul de spatele lui si il ia in brate. Stau asa cateva in momente in deplina tacere. Doi barbati stingheriti. E firesc sa fie asa, anumite gesturi de afectiune nu vin prea usor. Il strange cu putere in brate. -Te simti singur? Tatal da din cap. E prima noapte cand doarme singur. Fara EA. E prima noapte de la moartea sotiei lui. Iar fiul lui il tine strans in brate si face sex cu el. Sex tandru si molcolm. Ca o mare dovada de iubire.
- My God, my God, Storey. Who is ever gonna hold me closely again? - You're a rich man. I could think of hundreds. - Who is gonna hold me and love me... for me? For my body as it is now? For me as I am now, like she did? - You've got too many clothes on. - I've never slept naked. I didn't know you could do this. - You can do anything. Besides, you're my father. And you're very, very, very unhappy. Lift your arm and lie on your back. Be patient. Grieve properly. Remember, I'm your nearest relative. And besides we couldn’t make babies even if we tried.
Mie acesta mi se pare unul dintre cele mai sentimentale filme pe care le-am vazut. Tragic si duios si de o senzualitate ravasitoare. Iar partida de sex de mai sus, cea mai frumoasa dovada de iubire.
e genul de cantec de facut cadou! super fain,da' nu e vesel :(