all the small things
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Lecture On the Meaning of Liff
Dalarymples are the things you pay extra for on pieces of hand-made craftwork - the rough edges, the paint smudges and the holes in the glazing.

The vague uncomfortable feeling you get when sitting on a seat which is still warm from somebody else's bottom.

A look given by a superior person to someone who has arrived wearing the wrong sort of shoes.

1. The shape of a gourmet's lips
2. The droplet of saliva which hangs from them

Descriptive of the pleasant smell of an empty biscuit tin.

The little movement of false modesty by which a girl with a cavernous visible cleavage pulls her skirt down over her knees

GLENTIES (pl.n.)
Series of small steps by which someone who has made a serious tactical error in a conversion or argument moves from complete disagreement to wholehearted agreement.

Hard stare given by a husband to his wife when he notices a sharp increase in the number of times he answers the phone to be told, 'Sorry, wrong number.'

Measure of conversation. A lulworth defines the amount of the length, loudness and embarrassment of a statement you make when everyone else in the room unaccountably stops talking at the same time."

[extrase din volumul lui Douglas Adams & John Lloyd- The Meaning of Liff] HEY YOU, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE MEANING OF LIFF IS? ;)

Numai in postul urmator veti putea citi chiar lista mea de cuvinte de care am strasnica nevoie! O veti citi?? ;)
posted by Diana Adela Martin @ 1:05 PM  
  • At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    abia astept :*

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Diana Adela Martin said…

    Octavian, iti trimit intr-un mail un sneak preview. maine plec din bucuresti :) si nu stiu dc voi avea acces la computer :))

  • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yuo, citim, citim! Have fun!

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