"For in this new music nothing takes place but sounds: those that are notated and those that are not. Those that are not notated appear in the written music as silences, opening the doors of the music to the sounds that happen to be in the environment. This openness exists in the fields of modern sculpture and architecture. The glass houses of Mies van der Rohe reflect their environment, presenting to the eye images of clouds, trees, or grass, according to the situation. And while looking at the constructions in wire of the sculptor Richard Lippold, it is inevitable that one will see other things, and people too, if they happen to be there at the same time, through the network of wires. There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot."
(John Cage - Silence: Lectures and Writings, Ed. Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, CT, 1961 pag 6-7)
Interesant...si linistea poate semnifica de multe ori ceva, de fiecare data altceva. De fapt, nici nu stiu daca exista liniste cu adevarat, pina si vibratiile aerului cred ca produc un zgomot...bine, de cele mai multe ori imperceptibil pentru urechea umana, dar exista. Oricum, tacerea in multi este foarte apasatoare :)
Te face sa te gandesti la cat de zgomotoasa sau nu poate fi linistea! Interesant, dar cred ca trebuie sa te inarmezi cu foarte multa rabdare!